Enhancing Productivity
Low morale can be destructive in a business setting and can lead to dissatisfaction, poor productivity, absenteeism and even turnover. What causes low morale will vary among organizations but the effects will generally be the same. Low morale causes a disconnect between employees, peers, jobs, managers and the company.
An effective employee is a combination of a good skill set and a productive work environment. Many factors affect employee performance that managers need to be aware of and should work to improve at all times. To get the maximum performance from employees, you need to provide them with the tools they need to succeed.
The beyond360 engagement hub, Harmony, enables employees to have a purpose and belonging to their business. The application tool gives employees empowerment and expression of voice. They are aligned to company goals in a unified way. They are able to give and receive feedback in real time, motivate and reward each other, develop and learn new skills along the way through a unique learning and management system and finally access well-being content for their wellness.
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